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Schamanischer Trommelkreis

wo der rhythmische Schlag der Trommel als Leitfaden dient

innere Erforschung und Heilung

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Begleiten Sie uns in diesem heiligen Raum, wo wir uns mit der Kraft der Trommel, der Weisheit unserer Vorfahren und den Rhythmen von Mutter Erde verbinden.

Erleben Sie Trancezustände mit traditionellen und intuitiven schamanischen Trommelrhythmen.


A transformative experience reaching trance states using traditional and intuitive shamanic drumming.

About Shamanic Drumming

Shamanic drumming is a practice that has been used for millennia in various cultures around the world. The repetitive and hypnotic beat of the drum can induce altered states of consciousness, allowing participants to connect with the spirit world, gain insights, and promote deep healing. It's a powerful tool for self-discovery and transformation.

Workshop Highlights

  1. Opening Circle: We will begin with a sacred opening ceremony to set intentions and create a safe and respectful space for your inner journey.


  2. Drum Energy Balance: You will listen to my drumming and feel the vibrations through your heart & soul.


  3. Drumming Circle / The 5 Elements Rhythms: No prior experience is necessary. We'll start with the fundamentals of drumming and guide you in finding your own rhythm. You will learn the 5 elements rhythms to incorporate them into your own self-connection.


  4. Drum & Singing Circle: After the connection with your heart, your voice is ready to be opened and to sing embracing your own expression.


  5. Drum Trance: Through my drumming, Icaros and quechua/spanish songs you will be able to access the wisdom of your heart and release with body movements what doesn't belong to you anymore.


  6. Closing Ceremony: We'll conclude the workshop with a closing ceremony to express gratitude, integrate your experiences, and bring you back to your present moment. 

We will provide

  • Shamanic Drums (limited)

  • Yoga Matt

  • Pillows

  • Blankets

What to Bring

  • A drum (if you have one) or any percussion instrument.

  • Comfortable clothing.

  • A journal and pen for writing your experiences.

  • Bottle of water

DATE: March 2nd

PLACE: Life Artist Hub  -  Milastraße 4, 10437 Berlin

TIME: 16:30 - 21:00


Pre Sale: 55€ (until 25.02)

Normal: 67

Payment through Bank Transfer:

IBAN: DE71 1001 1001 2622 3910 14
Name: Illari Arbe

Payment through Paypal


LIMIT SPOTS for a more personalized and transformative experience

Join Us in the Rhythmic Realm

Embrace the power of the shamanic drum and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual connection. The Shamanic Drum Circle offers a unique opportunity to explore the depths of your inner world while forging connections with others on a similar path.

Don't miss this chance to experience the magic of the drum and the wisdom of shamanism. 

quiero mi tambor

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